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The Layers of Context Study

I do not hesitate to say that I believe the Lord has enabled me to discern the Truth about how to study the Bible as I present it in the Layers of Context Course. I emphatically believe that if I were to publish NOTHING else on this site but that Course, I will have given the very best that I have to offer. I also believe that this is BY FAR the most important teaching I have ever done as a Bible teacher for over 45 years.

Please, please, please DOWNLOAD the album. You can get it now, and re-Download it again as I add to it. IT IS ENTIRELY FREE!

The audio in this study is taken from the VERY FIRST TIME I EVER presented this material, in 2004 or 2005, I don't remember the exact year. I am taking the audio and breaking it into smaller segments so that you do not have to sit and listen to it for hours on end. But, I hope to get the entire study up as I have time and energy.

The syllabus [free] and the Book [costs about $5, or something like that on Amazon] are available by clicking the links in the Course Materials above the audio stuff. If you get the syllabus, you will have something to take notes on. I strongly recommend that you take notes. This can literally change your life. That is no exagerration!

If I were able to be present with you, I would basically beg [beseech] you to do this study. You will never regret it, I promise you!


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