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Personal Update NEW

Everything I identified about the dizziness in my March update is still true. The dizziness seems to be intensifying in the mornings.

Really, the purpose of this update is a kind of apology. The dizzier I am throughout the day the less I feel confident about doing serious writing. This accounts for the diminished posting in the Bible Studies in written format. It is not that I do not want to write. Just that holding my head together enough to think clearly is more difficult, and I am my own most demanding critic. If what I write is not up yo my own standards, I hesitate to write at all.

As a result, I have been doing a great deal more editing of audio, which is less demanding in the area of thinking things through in detail for writing. I will finish the audio portion for Hebrews in a week or so, and the Matthew probably by the end of August. My hope is to move right on to Romans, Ruth, Daniel, etc.

I put out a simple request for assistance in putting up the website on FB, but have received no responses. If you would be interested in assisting with NO PRESSURE or necessary experience, please message me.

Love you all.


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