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Personal Update

Today Is Sunday, March 5, 2023.

Since early June of 2021, after recuperating from COVID, I have had serious dizziness 90% of my waking hours. There have been no medications that really do much good. While I have obviously become accustomed to the dizziness, I can tell you that this does not mean that the dizziness has waned. I have asked the Lord to remove it, if that would please Him, and He has not done so. Therefore, I am content with what He has chosen for me.

I am putting this up just as a reminder for any who follow whatever I post on the site. I find that with the dizziness my mental energy level is rapidly depleted, making extended periods of studying or writing impossible.

My desire is just to glorify Christ as He is revealed in God’s Word, and to edify the saints. I am very aware that for the last 21 months my posting of things has been scattered. This is happening mainly because I am so dizzy and am trying to settle into working on what I can make progress with, even when everything is constantly spinning.

For these last 21 months I have posted notices on Facebook identifying when I have put something else up on the website. But I have decided to just post stuff on the site without putting up any notices on FB. My hope is to provide things that will edify and challenge God’s people as a sort of “storehouse” of truth that might be useful after I go to be with Him.

Currently I am trying to work on writing Judges (still) and Exodus. I have also been trying to post edited audio for the study of Mark and Hebrews and Matthew. The Matthew and Mark studies have hit a place of me needing to fill in holes in the audio by teaching parts of the material again. I am finding this to be very difficult, mainly because when presenting stuff audibly the effect of the dizziness is too extreme to sustain good teaching.

There is one thing that you can do for me, if the Lord leads you to do so. That is just making simple comments (on the website) on anything I post on the website that is helping you from time to time. I actually receive very few comments and would literally cherish hearing from some of you sometimes.

You might also pray for Bonnie, as my extreme dizziness obviously affects her, since I am really useless when it comes to doing things I used to do as a matter of normal living. For example, it is difficult for me to stand at the sink and just wash the dishes, and I cannot drive. Riding in the car is very difficult. This shifts more things onto her plate.


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Katie Gordon
Katie Gordon
May 30, 2023

My husband and I have been enjoying your studies on the website, and I do pray for you and your wife. I pray the dizziness goes away soon so that you may finish your projects and we may learn more from you about Jesus and the Bible.


Dr. M. Ryan Strouse
May 12, 2023

Thank you for sharing how to pray for you!

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