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New Focus #2

Focusing More

As I said in my previous post on Learning a New Focus, the Lord has brought me more and more back to “ground zero,” spending my productive time writing on scripture. Since I posted that [September 5], I have continued to seek His mind on my remaining days, and have come all the way back to where He started with me: teaching the Bible. Period.

I have sought, in my writing up to this point, to do what I have called “Expository Thoughts on____________.” [Modeled after J. C. Ryles’ Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, which I read a very long time ago.] This approach applies to my books on Joshua, Ruth, 1 Samuel, and James. I have also written several books that are what I would call “light” commentaries which are more detailed studies than the “Thoughts” books: 1 Corinthians, Galatians, and 1 Timothy. And, there are miscellaneous other books.

But, over these last few weeks I have sought the Lord for more “stability” in my writing process. [In case you haven’t noticed (smiles), I have a great tendency to involve myself with way too many “projects.” This stems, I think, from the days when I was younger and teaching as many as 5 or 6 Bible classes at once.] At any rate, this morning the Lord opened my mind to receive a bit more light on His purposes for me, and it really simplifies things.

Since His calling all those years ago was to teach the Bible, His calling is for me to still teach the Bible. Not just write books about the Bible, but write books that literally teach the Bible. What a novel idea! This may all sound strange or confusing to you. But it matters for me. I am going to make a few changes to respond to this continuing call much more effectively, I hope.

  • I am in my 75th year. My dizziness is often incapacitating. My daily writing time is more limited because of the ongoing dizziness. Therefore, I need to sharpen my focus.

  • I can’t do multiple writing projects at one time, because my mental focusing time is so limited. I need to do fewer deep writing projects.

  • I need to be sure that I write on those books of the Bible that He would have me to work on. My entire approach to the Bible has always been that every single book is very important for every saint, so any book I might write on would matter.

  • The edification that God has “built in” to every book of scripture differs according to the focus of each book. So, there are foundational books that should be considered above others, when time is limited.

Here are my conclusions:

  1. No more than 2 writing projects at one time. This will give more time to complete these.

  2. Discontinue writing on Judges: While Judges is edifying, there is more significant edification available to the saints through studies of more foundation books.

  3. For the present: Write on Revelation and Exodus.

  4. Write an occasional blog post on separate matters.

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1 Comment

Dr. M. Ryan Strouse
Sep 27, 2022

Thank you for your transparency and commitment to writing!

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