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Learning a New Focus

Many years ago I was clearly lead by the Lord to enter into a ministry of God's Word. Many of the folks that have been friends to me over all these years have been blessed [tongue-in-cheek] with watching me as I have come to grips with the ways in which that calling has shifted, especially recently [over the last five years or so].

This website is an example. For some time I have had the sense that using the web is an open door for the Truth. As is true for pretty much everything that God can use, Satan can also use the same things to corrupt the Truth. My attempts to use the web have been faltering, at best.

When I started [again] to attempt to use the web via a "blog" site, I was responding to a consistent sense of the Lord's urging...still. So, here we are.

But, as I have labored in producing this platform [the site], I have grown more and more dissatisfied with my feeble understanding of exactly what the Lord really wants for the site. As a result of this ongoing desire to do what He wants me to do with the site, I have pushed "feelers" out in numerous different directions, all dealing with the impact of God's Truth upon everything.

As of today [September 5, 2022] I have returned to what I have come to think of as "Ground Zero." As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, "Many years ago I was clearly lead by the Lord to enter into a ministry of God's Word." That calling is "Ground Zero" for me. Everything else, while it may be something good, is extraneous [in the sense of not being an essential or vital part of that calling]. Thus, while I have clarity from the Lord to occasionally deal with a specific topic [in a blog post or a series of blog posts], exposition of Scripture is the unchanging fundamental aspect His calling.

As a result, I am going to make a few changes to the website. We will continue to use blog posts, and to develop very basic "courses" for the edification of the remnant believers mixed in humanity all across the world. But some things will change. For example, the number of courses will shrink, and the "forums" section will be revamped to focus upon Bible teaching.

I am hoping that other contributors to the site will take advantage of these, and other changes in the future, to exercise their giftedness also in writing and posting Bible study materials. Also, I am hoping that these good brethren will post audio Bible studies and messages.

For those of you that have observed as I have come to grips with new aspects of His calling on my life, I am sorry if my maturing process has been troublesome to any of you. Thank you for being patient.


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2 comentários

Dr. M. Ryan Strouse
06 de set. de 2022

Thanks for your transparency. The contextual exposition/exegesis of the Word has been and should continue to be paramount. I see great value in the layers of context study, which I believe is foreign to the pragmatic, application-focus of many Christian’s in 2022. The internet is a great platform, but it is saturated and hard to make a splash. Maybe marketing it to like minded churches as a resource?

Dr. Charles L. Parker
Dr. Charles L. Parker
06 de set. de 2022
Respondendo a

Thanks for the great comment, Ryan! My basic approach is really twofold.

  1. I'm not really seeking to market anything, and I know that's not exactly what you were saying. But, I'm not trying to "reach" any specific audience [except the Remnant] directly.

  2. Since the things put out over the internet into "cyber space" have the potential for longevity and far-reaching connectivity over the long haul, I AM hoping to basically create a kind of "Expository Database" that will be accessible into the future, for your children's children and my grandchildren's children, that kind of thing.

The more that I [we] can put up, the more that will be available long after we are gone. Print media [books] really reach a…

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