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Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. Psa. 139:16

I don't know about you, but I have grown weary of being told that I need to "accept the science." Any time a vocal group of protesters wants to add supposed validity to its outcries it claims to have "the science" on its side. This is definitely true about those that claim to have the right to terminate life in the human womb.

We must carefully avoid allowing ourselves to be drawn into making the abortion "issue" a matter of personal opinion. (For example, between Christians and others.) Instead, the only necessary response is very well voiced in the above verse of scripture. The ONLY perspective that has any FINAL relevance is that of the God that created all things, including human life.

In this brief passage we are shown how God views the "unperfect substance" in the womb, those "members" that do not even yet exist ("there was none of them"). He clearly regards all of this as a human being, since the writer of this verse (writing under Divine inspiration) refers to these ill-defined members, this substance, as "my substance" and "my members."

All of this is provides a perfect example of how to hold to Truth, rather than being coerced to "accept the science." We need say no more, having pointed to such scriptural Truth.


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