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One World
Book Study

Introductory Comment

I am going to introduce you to one of the MOST IMPORTANT books for every serious-minded Christian in this world as we observe what is happening all around us.

Maybe this will whet your appetite, taken from the first page just beyond the Table of Contents in the Tenth Edition, published in 2010.

"America was conceived as a republic whose foundation was a Constitution set up to protect it from tyranny, to honor God, undergird the family, encourage honest enterprise and uphold liberty. Freedom was central. Individuals were captains of their own lives, able to move about freely with their own possessions. It wasn’t perfect—no human system is—but it was elegant, and it was good in the deepest sense. It is also a structure that has stood in the way of a new world order.


As most fifth-graders should know, the constitutional limitations on governmental power are, by implication, a warning against the rapacious State becoming a tyranny. These limitations also anticipate the erosion of freedoms and liberties, brought about by clever arguments and sudden “crises” used by the State to weaken the people’s resistance."

Brooke, Tal. One World . End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Anything here sound eerily relevant? More than any other reading I have done outside the Bible over the years since this book first came out [1989], it has helped me to get a handle on what is actually going on in the world.


Section 1: Crisis and Betrayal

Consider this passage of Scripture when reading this first section regarding Crisis and Betrayal:


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Ephesians 6:12


Brooke speaks of "Betrayal in High Places." Ephesians 6:12 adjusts our concept of 'high places' so that we are looking at the truth behind any form of human betrayal of that which is good and right. The issue, and we serious-minded saints must always keep this in view, is NOT about human beings pulling the strings from behind closed doors. The Lord, Himself plainly set the focus for us when He confronted Peter, as we are told in Mark 8:33:


"But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men."


The Lord was not confused. He knew that it was the forces of darkness, fully aligned with Satan, that was using Peter like a puppet. We must reaffirm this deeper spiritual reality in our own thinking all the time. Consider the following while reading through the passages that follow this section:


  • Every pillar of the old order must be toppled to bring in the new world order…is a clear example of the influence of 'spiritual wickedness in high places.'

  • A system hostile to the old morality, a system that is politically correct, a multicultural ideal of planned diversity with a rainbow quota system elevating the oppressed…is a clear example of the influence of 'spiritual wickedness in high places.'

  • The town-square of thoughts must be monopolized and channeled…is a clear example of the influence of 'spiritual wickedness in high places.'

  • Progressive public education has helped set up the passive and unthinking populace who are ill-equipped to think critically and are more liable to do what they are told…is a clear example of the influence of 'spiritual wickedness in high places.'

  • They can be more easily tricked by leaders whose rhetoric sounds good but who have secret allegiances the public isn’t even aware of…is a clear example of the influence of 'spiritual wickedness in high places.'

  • America has lost its soul, its citizens left destitute. But most have not woken up yet. Most cannot connect the dots; others don’t want to. They prefer to stay safely numb… is a clear example of the influence of 'spiritual wickedness in high places.'


When we approach all that Brooke is putting before us in the clear light of the Truth about what is really going on, spiritual wickedness in high places, principalities and powers, the [real] rulers of the darkness of this world…ONLY then are we going to rightly glean from this book what the Lord has for us through it.


Section 1: Quoted Passages to Consider

"What sort of world have the post-‘60s generations wanted? Not Little House on the Prairie, that’s for sure. Not Norman Rockwell’s America of Traditional Values. Rather, more and more are open to the idea of a global system, a new world order. Something pluralistic with unity in diversity. A system hostile to the old morality, a system that is politically correct, a multicultural ideal of planned diversity with a rainbow quota system elevating the oppressed. Though some are far more equal than others. Every pillar of the old order must be toppled to bring in the new world order."

"Beliefs of the masses are a major key to transition. The town-square of thoughts must be monopolized and channeled. The publishing giants and media know this and determine what will be published, keeping from print any view they disagree with. Along with the rest of the entire media enterprise, television—which occupies the center of America’s living room like a pagan altar—has herded public thought, shaping reality, shifting norms and defining conventional wisdom."

"If the old paradigm for over 200 years has been the image of a wholesome family praying together at the dinner table, the new paradigm has allowed alternative families of lesbian and gay couples with their adopted children, unmarried couples, divorced single parents, racially diverse couples, Neopagan couples and so on."

"Along with movies and the media, other powers have herded the population like cattle, navigating it through the public square. Progressive public education has helped set up the passive and unthinking populace who are ill-equipped to think critically and are more liable to do what they are told. The system is betting on this—that very few are even able to connect the dots—and that those who do, rarely have the backbone to stand up or resist."

"With a docile and indifferent public more into hedonism than ideals, the job of herding them becomes far simpler. They can be more easily tricked by leaders whose rhetoric sounds good but who have secret allegiances the public isn’t even aware of."

"The public has no clue as to what is going on, doesn’t realize that countless previously innocent acts can now be considered criminal. The State can virtually jail almost anyone and add anyone to the No-Fly List, grounding them from travel. The IRS and Homeland Security can enter their homes and confiscate anything they own—now guilty until proven innocent. Few have the resources to take on these giant agencies."

"America has lost its soul, its citizens left destitute. But most have not woken up yet. Most cannot connect the dots, others don’t want to. They prefer to stay safely numb with what Aldous Huxley called “Bread and Circuses.” In this case, pizza, beer and large-screen TV does the trick of placating a docile public."

"… if our government is again ruled by another whose ultimate loyalty is to a foreign power or a hidden cabal, or special interests, America may never recover unless it wakes up in time. That’s a key purpose of this book. Many of the strands of change will be exposed in the succeeding chapters. Follow them carefully. It is a brilliant strategy. At some point when you see it, it may take your breath away."


Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Section 2 - An Overview

A quick look at An Overview, Brooke's next section…


“Today, I say that no nation in the world need be left out of the global system we are constructing,”

Madeleine Albright, 1997 Harvard University commencement.

"They warn of dire consequences if this does not take place. Descriptions of the good life are then added, ranging from heaven on earth, the end of poverty, war and disease, to the inauguration of the anticipated New Age of spiritual brotherhood, peace and enlightenment."

"The political, military, and economic pillars of this long-range plan cannot fully support a World Order without the fourth pillar—a global religion—standing beneath the fourth corner, lest the structure collapse. It is that simple. Let’s briefly consider the spiritual part of this agenda: Religious differences are seen as the final barrier, separating various ethnic populations. Until these differences are broken down, divergent cultures will never fully meld into a One World Order."

"Preparation for religious fusion has been well under way for quite some time."

"An international Who’s Who of statesmen, intellectuals, and financial leaders met on June 25, 1995 at the UN’s 50th anniversary in San Francisco at Grace Cathedral. At the key ceremony, it was revealed that Mikhail Gorbachev, the former head of the Soviet Union, had the backing of world leaders to set up a United Nations sister organization in San Francisco called the United Religions. Modeled on the UN, it would have a 500-member assembly, a 36 member executive council, and a General Secretary. Multi-faith Peacemaker teams would be dispatched around the world by the “UR” to trouble spots, just like the UN. In the summer of 2000, in Pittsburgh, the charter for the United Religions was signed right on schedule.[1]

When Christianity absorbs the new spiritualities, then it will be ripe for a merger."


"This book will uncover some of the deep and hidden forces behind the sweeping changes taking place right now. We may learn that certain critical turns in the road of history have remained unknown by the public—intentionally—while today’s politically correct versions of history have reigned uncontested in a monopolized information gateway. There are things that the “ordinary people” are not supposed to know, patterns they are not supposed to see."

"There is no denying that there are unsettling signs beneath the surface: America has been pushed into a national debt almost equal to its net worth; the family continues to disintegrate, male and female roles blur, and Christianity and traditional values disappear only to be replaced by radical alternatives. The financial, military, political, social, and spiritual arms of this dangerous agenda have an interlocking purpose that gives the plan almost irresistible power. The truth is that America is fighting for its soul, but few seem to really know this. The emergence of a New World Order requires a docile and passive public willing to entrust their lives and futures to an elite leadership. Only then can this elite get on with the business of managing the planet unobstructedly.(sic)"

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


My thoughts:

We do well to remember that long before the establishment of the UR that Brooke identifies above, the powerful impetus toward a one-world religion had been embedded in 'Western Thinking' via numerous established streams. I will identify only three of these:

  1. In The Inter-Faith Movement, Herbert J. Pollitt launches into his expose of the impetus for a one-world religion by dating it much farther back: 

    "On 26 September, 1902 a new window in the south transept of Westminster Abbey was dedicated.[2] Surrounding Christ in the center, the inner circle contains sixteen figures symbolical of the virtues and the orders of angels. The outer circle is filled by thirty-two figures chosen to represent the preparation of the world for his [Christ's] coming. In the upper half are the sixteen Jewish prophets; in the lower half, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Job, Ezra and Sirach, also from the chosen people of Israel, and from the Gentile world Plato, Aristotle, Aeschylus, the Sybil, Zoroaster, one of the magi, Virgil and Seneca.[3]"

  2. Continuing, Pollitt says: 

    "In 1893, the World's Columbian Exposition, a world's fair for the celebration of man's technological achievement, was held in Chicago. In conjunction with it a World Parliament of Religions was held to show the contribution of religion to humanity. Over a period of seventeen days this brought together delegates representing not only the major branches of Christianity, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant[4], but also Theism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Zoroastrianism.[5]"

  3. One last one from Pollitt: 

    …one of the most significant advances of the inter-faith movement was the foundation in 1936of the World Congress of Faiths by Sir Francis Younghusband, soldier, explorer, diplomat, and mystic, who had fallen deeply under the spell of Oriental religions during lengthy sojourns in Tibet and India. On a mountain facing Lhasa he had said in 1904, 'I had visions of a far greater religion yet to be, and of a god as much greater than our English God as a Himalayan giant is grater than an English hill. Continuing, Pollitt says: The object of the World Congress of Faiths is to promote the spirit of fellowship among mankind and to do so through religion—through religion, however, interpreted in its universal and widest sense—a sense far transcending its particular expression in any one of the world's faiths….Freed from all sense of intolerance, arrogance or condescension, we endeavor while maintaining our own faiths to learn what the worshippers of Brahma and Jehovah and Allah, what the followers of Zoroaster, Laotze, Confucius, Buddha and Jesus were and are. The World Fellowship of Faiths is the building of a fellowship…which will guide mankind towards truth, the Kingdom of righteousness and brotherhood and peace.[6]

These questions keep arising in my thinking:

  1. Are my grandchildren being taught about any of this in their assemblies?

  2. How about the 'teens'?

  3. How many serious-minded older saints are really ready for what is coming? It is all well and good that we have all been taught that a one-world movement is coming, biblically.

  4. But, have our churches gone beyond generalities…applying important biblical Truth to what our children and grandchildren are going to face as they in this age before the coming of Christ?

We are told emphatically in 1 Thessalonians 5:

4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.


References for the quoted excerpts:

[1] For an exhaustive look at this powerful movement, please see Lee Penn's False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion (Hillsdale, New York: Sophia Perennis, 2004.

[2] Westminster Abbey is a 'sacred site' for the Anglican Church [Church of England].

[3] Herbert J. Pollitt, The Inter-Faith Movement: The New Age enters the Church (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1996), p.3.

[4] Don't get all bothered by his omission of non-Protestant branches [Baptist…].

[5] Pollitt, pp.3-4.

[6] Pollitt, pp.4-5.


Chapter 1: Contact

"What was once faint crackling on America’s spiritual Geiger counter has become deafening noise as these messages come in like cosmic telegrams bearing the delicious promise that the human race will transform into an exalted godlike state that will bring in the New Age. But standing in the way of this necessary paradigm shift are the old “prejudices” and beliefs from an outmoded Christian era with its dualistic view of God and man, its moral absolutes of good and evil."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Brooke goes on to mention several popular writers that put forward so-called Truth gleaned from outside the Bible:


"The reigning books on the New York Times bestseller list for well over a decade have been books about contacting the other side or experiencing new realities. Betty Eadie’s 1992 Embraced By the Light by mid 1994 had reached the 66-week mark on the New York Times best seller list, primarily holding the number one spot. Then Dannion Brinkley’s 1994 Saved By the Light got to the top position and toggled between one and two with Eadie’s book. By early 1998, James Van Praagh published the bestselling account of his own contact with the other side entitled, Talking to Heaven: A Medium’s Message of Life After Death, which took over the New York Times."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


I did a simple online search for these writers and found that Dannion Brinkley is one of the celebrated writers on one of the largest Christian Bookseller sites.[1] So, too is Marianne Williamson.[2] What this clearly reveals is that these writers and their books are promoted by large-scale so-called 'Christian' booksellers today!


The upshot of these examples of 'added Truth' through outside sources is summed up by Brooke in the final paragraph of this chapter:


"Before we can let them in, they claim we must be prepared. Some people claim that not only are they being prepared individually to be fit for the New Age, but so is the whole human race. Only the worthy will make it all the way and it depends on the ability of individuals to absorb the new teachings and the new models of reality. They also must abandon the old negative programming for the great evolutionary leap."

Brooke, Tal. One World . End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


The point is that however much we may strive to shield our young people from deadly poison in the guise of 'Christian Truth,' they are going to encounter it, even via so-called 'Christian' platforms!


[1] - CBD-PD-Publisher-Description


[2] Mentioned by Brooke on the next page of this chapter, and on the same 'Christian' bookseller's page, her book The Mystic Jesus is promoted including the following statement: 'For many, Jesus has become a precious relic, revered yet lacking the immediacy of authentic spiritual force. In The Mystic Jesus, Williamson writes of a Jesus who transcends both glib imagery and outdated religious dogma. She writes not only of an historical Messiah but of a spirit alive in all of us today.'


Chapter 2: The Rainbow Bridge

In this chapter, Brooke identifies the powerful connection between the one-world agenda and hallucinogens.[1] He introduces the concept by commenting on Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. Though the film purported to suggest that it was merely a fanciful space travel thing, it was in reality a powerful tool in legitimizing evolutionary thinking and opening wide the door to the New Age thinking that was coming into its own.


"This epic is not about creatures but about evolving consciousness reaching what New Agers call critical thresholds for the next transformation of consciousness. Kubrick’s vision is indeed the stuff out of which pantheism, monism, and cosmic humanism are built."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


I very well remember this entire scenario, watching this film in the newly released "Cinerama" technology in theaters.[2] And, what Brooke says about it is literally the truth.


"It was dazzling, electric, and seemed hauntingly insightful. A generation was wooed. Opinions and lifetimes of thought were shifted in a few brief hours on the screen. It was almost like magic. To many in the audience, this film was a seed which would work away in their minds on a deeper level. In time it would emerge as a worldview. Those on the mystical fringe of the 1960s had already caught the vision."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


But, Brookes' leading consideration in this chapter is the soon-all-engulfing reality of mind-bending drugs:


"In the sixties there were many apostles of the new consciousness. One avenue for the new consciousness to manifest itself was through mind-altering drugs."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


I cannot begin to tell you how right Brooke is! In this same paragraph he identifies three key drugs that had an enormous role in "expanding our consciousness." LSD, mescaline and psilocybin. I can personally testify to the verity of his claims, having taken a great deal of LSD and mescaline personally in those days. But it was not just the drugs. It was necessary for some form of credulity to attach to them, as Brooke goes on to say.


"The idea of chemically altered states would have to receive further sanction from the intellectual elite to reach the critical threshold of public experimentation—and it did. Harvard professor Timothy Leary began to administer hundreds of doses of LSD-25 to his graduate students. His assistant was Harvard psychologist Dr. Richard Alpert. They were a team, and their psychedelic road tours across the United States were famous."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


I remember these men very well, and followed their progress avidly.


"By the time Leary and Alpert left Harvard, they were packing university auditoriums, conference centers, and civic centers with their exciting alternative to the straight society."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Those of you that did not experience the terrible psychological effects of body counts from Vietnam on T.V. every night[3] cannot even begin to grasp just how much of an impact of that Leary and Alpert had upon us. LSD and similar drugs provided not only a respite from the horrors of students being killed on college campuses, but an intriguing mind-expanding perspective on everything.[4]


"The West was like Rome, ready to crumble under its old system represented by the futility of Vietnam, the banality of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society,” traditional moral do’s and don’ts, Pentagon marches, and protest rallies which all seemed to culminate in the Kent State Massacre."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


Everything in our lives was being brought under the spell of a "new beginning" not characterized by lies, politics and wars. The communal lifestyle, the music,[5] the mantra of a "generation gap," long hair on men and so much else. It was exactly as Brooke portrays it in his final paragraph in this chapter.


"It made the era of the fifties, with its straight society, its decency, and its gray churches look flat, like a Lucky Strike wrapper lying on the ground. Who wanted to turn back the clock? No one from the youth culture, that’s for sure. America had never seen an era like this. Unlimited horizons seemed to flash into view now that this incredible bridge of consciousness was being built. New materials had suddenly appeared on the world scene to help build the Rainbow Bridge from our present world to a New World Order. This growing structure, like the tower of Babel, would likely span from one type of civilization to another. It was a paradigm shift, indeed, and it promised to bring us to the shores of a New Age. Delicious expectations filled the air."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.


It is clear that the primary missing element in all of this was God, as He reveals Himself in the Bible. This entire generational shift was simply a "next step" in the journey of millions away from unrelenting misery in a world gone mad to a whole "new world." Or, so we thought.


[1] Mind-altering drugs.

[2] Came out as a movie in 1968, two years after I graduated from high school.

[3] Often, men that we personally knew.

[4] As Brooke continues, he speaks of the appearance of new forms of LSD coming out. I personally took all three of these, and others. 

"Now there were new batches coming off the production line like colored candy: mellow yellow, blue cheer, and blotter acid."

Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

[5] Most clearly seen in the fact of Woodstock, in New York in 1969. I almost went. It was the same summer I was drafted and before I joined the U. S. Navy instead of going into the army.

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Chapter 3: Opening the Third Eye

This particular chapter of Brooke's book delves deeply into the psychological. In it, Brooke ties together two primary things: the prevailing psychological underpinnings of the New Age, and his own personal experience.

He begins using an iconic pop-culture figure and concept introduced and demonstrated via Star Wars. He talks about "the Force", and goes on to make it clear that both good and evil were being put forward as products of the same mysterious unseen reality in all of us. He goes on to attach these popular notions to the thinking and writing of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. He reminds us that Timothy Leary had also stressed our need to align with the "cosmic consciousness" available to man through such un-inhibitors as LSD.[1]

Brooke explicitly identifies the dangerous path into which this kind of thinking was placing us.[2]

"It was already plain to see that the elevator shaft of consciousness went from the lower floors of the animal world to the incredible levels of man’s greatest achievements. If this shaft continued to the vast levels of angels, higher beings, and beyond, then by speculative extension the mystics were right and human potential did not stop until it arrived right at the seat of godhood. We were in a continuum that implied we could ride the elevator to the top floor."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Do you remember the lie Satan told Adam and Eve?

"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Genesis 3:5

This same lie has been instrumental in the development of the entire New Age movement, and the arising of such world religions as Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Shintoism. We are foolish if we think that our children and their children will somehow be uninfluenced by such thinking that has duped billions throughout human history. Brooke soon declares the subtle but powerful pull of this kind of thinking.

"It was easy to romanticize the potentials of human consciousness and its evolutionary expansion into superstates of being. Hegel had talked about it and so had the ancient writers of the Upanishads of India as well as myriads of more recent voices. This challenge made the church on the corner seem dead, irrelevant, and boring."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The remainder of this chapter Brooke gives to sharing his own personal testimony of this kind of thinking upon him back then.

Although you may feel that this part is optional, and I can see where you would, I urge you to read it for the sake of seeing just how powerful this deadly poison STILL IS.

[1] Many of you may have little or no real awareness of the influence of the writings of these men and others, like Carlos Castenada and Don Juan. See this website for more details on these men:, especially the very first page.
[2] Those of us that were literally experiencing these things then and those that have embraced or tolerated the same errant teachings today.


Chapter 4: Coming Changes

I must hasten to say that even though these next two chapters have a lot of personal narrative from Brooke's own life, you ought not to skip them. I am not going to add details of my own personal testimony regarding the things he discusses in these chapters, but let me just declare that I HAVE personally experienced much of what he describes, and that these things are VERY REAL and dangerous. Now for the brief overview.

"America, by the end of 1950s, had become a society of people whose intellectual curiosity rarely ranged beyond the mundane and the prosaic. It was intimidated by the unknown and seemed to easily settle for a McDonald’s spiritual diet and a K-Mart lifestyle. The grand summits of ancient wisdom towered above our distracted and busy culture which had lost its roots with eternity. We were ants absorbed in disposing of some small speck of waste food at the base of a grand edifice. The vast and splendid columns of the Parthenon dwarfed us into insignificance. We never looked up."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

This is exactly how it affected me then. Contemporary life in the America I lived in was bland, boring, and disturbingly flavorless. Through the mind-enhancing drugs, I had come to believe that there was much more to be entered into.

In his next section of chapter 4, Brooke talks about Astral Travel. While you may have never experienced anything like this, please do not let your limited experiences keep you from realizing that such things definitely do transpire, and far more than you could ever know.[1] Brooke is not just trotting out things that have no relevance to us today. Do you know whether or not any of your children or teenagers have experienced anything like this, but are unwilling to share them with you?

Brooke continues:

"Monroe combined this with his diversified readings in yoga, Eastern thought, and scientific theory. I approached his bizarre exploits and spirit encounters from the viewpoint of Indian monistic philosophy syncretized with a new emerging “mystical Christianity” that came through channeled teachings of Edgar Cayce, Levi Dowling, and others combined with Carl Jung, Paul Tillich, and Teilhard de Chardin."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

In this portion, Brooke simply identifies that these experiences could be approached via two entirely different perspectives. Monroe sought to validate it all through "yoga, Eastern thought and scientific theory." Brooke sought validation through "Indian monistic philosophy syncretized with a new emerging “mystical Christianity” that came through channeled teachings of Edgar Cayce, Levi Dowling, and others combined with Carl Jung, Paul Tillich, and Teilhard de Chardin."

I aligned more with Brooke's perspective than Monroe's. Probably because I did have at least a minimal connectedness with "Christianity," at least as far as I understood it.
Anyway, Brooke close out chapter 4 by revealing why all of this 'stuff' became even more significant in Western culture. His final paragraphs need our undivided attention.
Many of the sixties' pioneers would abandon their mystic attire, join the establishment, and become yuppies, but their understanding of reality would infiltrate the world. They would remake the corporation. They would fill the ranks of influential occupations and, from their prestigious vantage points, they would then parlay this new belief system into acceptability as it descended down the slopes of the pyramid into the average living room of middle America.

These embryo mystics of the sixties were destined to grow up and take over the gears of society: publishing, movies, news magazines, television shows, schoolrooms, government agencies, science labs, academia, banking, even Wall Street. It was a coup of quiet succession, of one generation replacing another. A whole new world was waiting in the wings. It just needed time.

It also needed a line of credit from some quiet insiders behind the scenes. There were many players in this drama of shaping global history. Some were actors in the parade, some were movers and shakers. The plan for a New World Order was not a new one. But certain things needed to be aligned before it could even be discussed. The spiritual structure of this was absolutely crucial.

"As a spiritual system, naturally it must have its human agents—its mouthpieces—in contact with powers beyond this world. They themselves look to higher guidance and then transmit this guidance to others. Clearly a plan is unfolding, and it has everything in the world to do with the New World Order."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

[1] Thinking back to my adolescence, I definitely recall having what seemed to me then to be out-of-body experiences that I could not explain or understand while I was still in high school.

Additional Thoughts on Chapter 4

Hopefully, you have begun to see why I consider this book so useful in seeking to understand how the Conflict of the Seeds is playing out right in front of us. Take this fourth chapter, for instance. It is likely that while the believing remnant would certainly stand against New Age stuff, very few of us would really grasp just how embedded New Age thought has become in western culture like here in America. We are inclined to think that because there is a church on every corner, we really do not have anything to be concerned about regarding our children and their children ever embracing New Age thought. But we are dead wrong about that.

Consider this from Brooke:

"There was, on a deeper level, a number of revolutionary spiritual implications behind astral travel; namely, these experiences implied a whole metaphysical reality that was completely new to the West—America above all. Implicit in soul travel among the living—those who have bodies to leave—is soul travel among the dead, whose souls can freely range through other planes without need of bodies. Implied in this is soul travel from life to life, incarnation to incarnation—or reincarnation. Further implicit in all of this is the concept of “old souls” who have an almost endless history of reincarnations. And what is the reason for reincarnation?

The answer is central to Eastern mysticism itself. We reincarnate up the evolutionary ladder for the purpose of ultimate perfection and self-realization into pure consciousness. When consciousness realizes its identity with ultimate consciousness, and the mystery of being is over, then the separate ego-self ceases to exist. Then the “true self” unites with the ocean of being, the godhead."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Now, think about this a little: 

See yourself as a young person, brought up in the churches, but having encountered so much about church life that has left you wanting more. You are ready to begin to examine things for yourself. Through connecting with other young people,[1] you are introduced to a book that your 'friend' tells you has been such a blessing to him/her. Obtaining the book [likely, as we have seen previously, to be available from a "Christian Bookseller online] and delving into it, you encounter very subtle lies of the Enemy woven together with Truth. You begin to have the feeling that having been so locked into church life for so long, you have been shielded from truth that 'they'[2] have just not been open to. There is just so much more, if you will just open your eyes and broaden your horizons. You have this nagging feeling that this is exactly what you have been missing in order to fully enter into what your real life is truly all about.

As Thomas Brooks[3] said:

"Device 1: To present the bait and hide the hook; to present the golden cup, and hide the poison; to present the sweet, the pleasure, and the profit that may flow in upon the soul…and by hiding the wrath and misery that will certainly follow…"[4]

Many of our young people have had less than a full and genuine encounter with the Christ of the Bible, even though they have 'been in church all their lives.' They are ripe for the plucking of seductively written New-Age-rooted lies that promise them the highest kind of deep meaning in life. They will be indoctrinated gradually, over time, into thinking that the New Age thought they are beginning to embrace is 'far older than Christianity,' being rooted in the most ancient religious writings.

When your experience with Christianity has left you wanting more, never fear, just open up your mind for 'further revelation.' It is far more seductive than you may think, especially if you have never had any interest in such things. This is what burdens me so much about what lies ahead for our children and grandchildren.

[1] Not from some church group.
[2] Those in the various church groups you have participated in.
[3] A puritan writer back in the mid 1600s.
[4] Thomas Brooks, Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices (First published 1652; This edition reprinted from The Works of Thomas Brooks; 1866 in the Nicols Series, 1968; Reprinted 1984), p.29.

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Chapter 5: Higher Guidance

"“Higher guidance” is crucial for the process of spiritual transformation from normal consciousness to cosmic consciousness. This axiom is universal among New Age luminaries. Neale Donald Walsch, Gary Zukav, Betty Eadie, David Spangler, Fritjof Capra, Marilyn Ferguson, and other well-known figures emphasize the need to be guided by higher powers."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Notice again some of the leading names of the New Age movement whose writings provide part of the foundation for New Age thinking as it has permeated the West. There are many others. Brooke goes on to say:

"To the zealous mystic, the smallest perception or event can be loaded with significance. Intuition alone can go a long way. Then there are higher octane methods such as the tarot, visualization, meditation, shamanistic techniques, drugs, the Ouija board, astrology, and the I Ching. The higher powers can use these things as mediums through which to guide inquiring minds."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

He adds more personal testimony of his own previous engagement in seeking higher guidance.[1]

"Once I gained the ability to see things “from the plane of the gods,” I was able to look back and suddenly see meanings behind events in my early life. I could detect patterns of “guidance,” such as when I got a Ouija board at age ten and subscribed to a spiritualist newsletter when my father was a diplomat in London; or when I left my body for astral travel at the same age; or when I became obsessed with the wider field of psychic phenomena at 12. Invisible hands were directing my course."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

As Brooke grew up, he arrived at an abiding sense of "cosmic consciousness." He became aware of the deep "need" for this experience if earth was to survive. All of this in his life was happening on a far greater scale around the world. Whoever these beings were[2] simply trying to break through human resistance to "higher guidance."

"The truth seemed simple then and many years later: all the world needed was a change of consciousness, of mindset. That was it. Then people could put down their arms and live in peace, sharing selflessly the resources of the world. Indeed, a new viewpoint was needed—a sense of the cosmic and, of course, a change of self-orientation so that universal love could take root. This didn’t seem to be asking too much."
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

It is easy to see just how seductive this kind of thinking can be.
You may think that this is all outdated new age doctrine, but you would be seriously mistaken. Consider the following.[3]

When you can see the vision of God within you, that's incredible, however, it's one thing to see the vision and another thing to possess the vision. When you possess the vision of God, you possess all that comes with that vision. That means encounters with God, that means that you hold the Revelation, of that none other shall know. The secrets shall be revealed only to you. The Depths of the Spirit of God and Angelic Host are assigned with the vision. As you possess God's vision, it shall hold all you need within the realm of the Spirit of God. Some Encounters you will not be able to speak about unless God releases you to speak, and it will not become a problem of letting something slip out of your mouth because it shall be sealed within you, yet only you can access it within you! Thou art my battle axe, my weapon of War! Possess the Vision!

But there is another key to understanding how relevant this is to us in the present day. And Brooke identifies it.

"But there is a hidden work: networking groups have to reach a critical threshold of people, a minimum number required to catalyze the New Age planetary transformation. This is viewed as a necessary evolutionary event without which the planet might not survive. The catalytic threshold occurs when that minimum number of people experience “consciousness-raising.”"
Brooke, Tal. One World. End Run Publishing. Kindle Edition.

This is a theme that sustains the New Age movement, because it lays extreme emphasis upon the NEED for a crucial threshold of planetary awareness to be reached before the earth can enter into its "higher destiny." It is rampant now, as I said, all over social media platforms.[4]

Brooke closes out the chapter by referencing a couple of iconic extra-terrestrial movies: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and E.T. These films were not as innocent as we may have thought them to be.

[1] Remember, Brooke includes much from his own past in order to emphasize that these dangers are very, very real.
[2] That were making contact with mankind through multiple means, as we have seen.
[3] Copied directly from TikTok July 20, 2024! This stuff is ALL OVER social media!!! Search for yourself: Age of Aquarious; Cosmic Consciousness;
[4] See this on Facebook, for example: evolution. This link was created on Sunday, July 28, 2024, so it is very current.

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