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Old Testament

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When this ark of the covenant passed through the midst of the camp, it was literally a representation of the fact that the God-ordained Redeemer Himself was leading them! God’s true and great Joshua was among them, and leading them into great redemptive glory for His name’s sake! Theirs was simply to arise and follow Him in faith. 

Desert Dunes

CLP's Books

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I urge each reader, when preparing to study or teach a book of Scripture to consider following this same overall approach. My general impressions on the New Testament sections are given here for the sake of simply stimulating your own study. Formulate your own general impressions of these sections; then move on to general impressions of any (or all) of the books in each section.

Woman with Bible

New Testament


For our daily devotional thoughts Monday through Friday we will answer five key questions each week. These questions will always come in the same order, and will be as follows:

  1. What does this passage reveal to me about the Lord?

  2. What does this passage reveal to me about all true Missions Work?

  3. What does this passage reveal to me about the Local Church?

  4. What does this passage reveal to me about the expectations of the Lord in the life of Every Believer?

  5. How does this passage help me to understand True Prayer?

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky

Preaching and Ministry


I value this book on expository preaching far, far above anything else I have ever studied regarding preaching. There is just nothing to compare with it. Many 'preacher boys' coming out of Bible Colleges and Seminaries these days would set it aside because it demands very serious commitment to the true goals of a genuine messenger of God.


"The text must be accepted and discussed only in the very sense which it had in the mind of the Spirit as he uttered it. The preacher has no concern with, and no right to, any other. It is nervously remarked by the Rev. Richard Cecil, that “the meaning of the Scripture is the Scripture.” The propriety of my law is plain from the fact that the preacher is a herald, and that it is God’s word which is committed to him as his instrument for the redemption of men. If his task is to deliver and commend God’s message, what right has he to change it or to represent it as other than it is?"


Dabney, R. L.. Evangelical Eloquence . 

Hebrew Writings

Alfred Edersheim

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This was the first of Edersheim's books I encountered way back when I first started serious Bible study in the late 70s. I discovered that his writing is very detailed and that his knowledge of the Hebrew writings was enormous.


I strongly recommend this book for any serious Bible student that wants a great grasp of the Old Testament writings.

Edersheim was a serious scholar of Jewish history and culture. His writing is excellent, even though not as devotional as some others. I highly recommend all of his books for any student that really wants to understand the Jewish underpinnings of the Truth.

G. Campbell Morgan was a very prolific writer, in addition to preaching on both sides of the Atlantic for many years. I have derived great blessing from his insight into Scripture and strong practical application of Truth.


G. Campbell Morgan

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I have numerous books by Campbell-Morgan in my library, and would highly recommend every one of them. But, this one is the best of all in my opinion. 


Here is a brief quotation taken from his writing in Matthew.


"In the light of the holiness of His character, and the redemptive purpose of His mission, it is evident that to Him the baptism in water by John was the solemn act by which He assumed a responsibility which by nature He did not share. The multitudes whom John had baptized, had confessed their sins. Jesus had no sins of His own to confess, but by that act He confessed their sins as His own; and was numbered with transgressors, foreshadowing another baptism through which He would pass, in order to accomplish His saving purpose. The King, therefore, is seen facing a kingdom in ruin, and consenting to the only method by which it could be redeemed."


Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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This book is by far the best resource in my personal library on the Sermon on the Mount. I sincerely believe that any Christian that would read this book all the way through once every ten years would be deeply affected by it every time.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones took over pastoral duties at Westminster Chapel when Campbell Morgan retired. Lloyd-Jones had been a medical doctor but labored after his conversion for many years as an excellent expositor of the Word.


Moule published a series of devotional commentaries, the set with the word "Studies" at the end is much more devotional and will grip your heart wonderfully!

Man Walking in Fields

H. C. G. Moule


This book is by far the most wonderful of all the books I have personally read/studied on the book of Colossians. The Philemon part is really good also, but it is the Colossians portion that has really been life-changing for me.


"One thing is certain as to “the Colossian Heresy.” It was a doctrine of God, and of salvation, which cast a cloud over the glory of Jesus Christ. For the present at least, it will be enough to remember this. St Paul, writing to Colossse, had to deal with an error which, whatever else it did, did this—it put Jesus Christ into the background."


"Yes indeed, in the Gospel of God, of Christ, of the Apostles, of the Prophets, Christ is All. He is the Revelation of the Father, the Bond of Man and God, the Giver of the Spirit, CHRIST IS THE CENTRAL SUN

the Merit of the guilty, the Purity of the sinful, the Power of the weak, the everlasting Life for our mortality."


"No surer test, according to the Holy Scriptures, can be applied to anything claiming to be Christian teaching, than this: Where does it put Jesus Christ? What does it make of Jesus Christ? Is He something in it, or is He all ?" 

Stack of Magazines

Books on Important Bible Issues

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I recommend this book to those Christians that want to examine many of the basics regarding so-called Bible Scholarship and the issues underlying the "right Bible" to use.


I am quite aware that these articles are really only the "tip of the iceberg," so to speak regarding these weighty issues. But, one must start somewhere.


I encourage the serious student to examine sections two through four. I personally found those sections to be helpful earlier in my work, when I was just beginning to examine these serious matters.

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The Bible League Quarterly is an official magazine throughout the world. It contains articles on the Bible and other related subjects (doctrinal, historical, and devotional)... In particular, attention is given to the vexed issue of Bible translations, and The Bible League unashamedly holds to the view that the Authorised Version is the most accurate and faithful English Bible translation available today.

The editor of the Bible League Quarterly is Rev. J.P. Thackway.

Sat on the Rocks

Conybeare & Howson


"The words of the great historian may fill up the picture: 'As regards the manners and mode of life of the Romans, their great object at this time was the acquisition and possession of money. Their moral conduct, which had been corrupt enough before the social war, became still more so by their systematic plunder and rapine. Immense riches were accumulated and squandered upon brutal pleasures. The simplicity of the old manners and mode of living had been abandoned for Greek luxuries and frivolities, and the whole household arrangements had become altered. The Roman houses had formerly been quite simple and were built either of brick or peperino, but in most cases of the former material; now, on the other hand, everyone would live in a splendid house and be surrounded by luxuries. The condition of Italy after the Social and Civil wars was indescribably wretched.'" [p.13]


This is a very brief excerpt taken from their introductory chapter on the conditions of the time during which Paul wrote his epistles. I include it as an example of the kind of writing in the book.


I heartily recommend this scholarly work for those serious students who want depth in their historical studies of the New Testament.


One matter of concern is their willingness to set aside the Authorized Version [as on pp. xxiv-xxv]. I hold without apology to the AV as the only accurate English translation of Scripture.

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