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Mountain Landscape
Hilly landscape in Autumn


I am Charlie Parker. I am the 75-year-old husband of Bonnie Parker [for fifty years now]. We have six adult children, all of whom we homeschooled, and twenty-one grandchildren.


I was redeemed in the spring of 1976 and began teaching in Christian schools that fall. I taught sixth grade for two years, then high school for one year. In the fall of 1976, I also began to take serious Bible study classes under Rev. Frank Sells at Gateway Bible College in Virginia Beach, Virginia. My wife and I studied under Mr. Sells for the next three and a half years, at which time he left this area and returned to Columbia, S.C. (He had taught at Columbia Bible College there for many years before leaving in the mid-sixties). By the time he left our area, I had studied twenty-eight of the books of the Bible in great depth with him.


At the end of that third year of Christian school teaching (and after Mr. Sells left the area), I was led by the Lord to begin a serious Bible study in our home. That Bible study eventually became a church which I pastored for twenty years. During that time, I returned to graduate school (1994-1998), primarily for the sake of studying Hebrew and Greek, along with Bible history, doctrine, etc.


While in graduate school, I also taught Bible college classes in the school (college/seminary). I was involved with that school and three others over the next roughly fifteen years, teaching and doing admin work. Additionally, I traveled in America and in several other places in the world teaching and preaching until about 2014, at which time I essentially 'retired.' By this time, I had begun my writing work. I have published twelve books of Bible study so far, and am currently working on three others.


In the summer of 2021, I contracted COVID and was left with neurological damage that has left me seriously dizzy every waking hour. As a result, I have ceased traveling to speak and begun this website.


Here are my 'educational' details:



Old Dominion University - Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, 1975

Tabernacle Baptist Theological Seminary - Masters in Religious Education, 1995

Tabernacle Baptist Theological Seminary - Doctorate in Religious Education, 1998


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